Tuesday 22 April 2014

Music is the Universal Language

"Music" - who is not aware of this word? Right from a mother's lullaby to  a music maestro's  hum... Right from the sounds of rhythmic wind to the sounds of sprinkling rainy water....Any sound which is pleasing and rhythmic to hear is music!!

"Language" - In simple terms it is a mode of expression of emotions, views, thoughts of all the living beings on the earth. It need not be only a verbal (spoken or  written) form but can also be a non verbal (sign language) form of expression. 

"Universal Language" - One of the dictionary meanings of this term is: Any kind of expression that is used and understood everywhere.

Every thing in the world expresses in its own way. It depends on ourselves to keenly observe, understand and perceive. Not only visual signs speak but also audio/sound signs speak. The horn of a vehicle, a school bell, the tic tock of a clock ...what not, everything speaks. Human mind can create wonders, no doubt!!

All the nava rasAs can be expressed through musical sounds. If we keenly observe the background music in any film or any visual program, the viewer first understands the situation in tune with the music... Might be for romance, comedy, fear or happiness.. Best example is the background score of news channels' breaking news item :-p Not necessary to know the meanings of the dialogues!

Emotions can easily be expressed through music. Need not be a lyrical composition, just the play of musical notes express emotions. In fact it's a strongest way to express. Thus music is set to tune with the lyrical expression and sometimes perfect lyrics set in the expression of tuned music. 

I feel lyrics helps in understanding and perceiving the true expression or emotion of a composer whereas in a non lyrical composition,  to some extent the true emotion can be perceived and on the other hand it entirely depends on the emotional status, perception and imagination of the listener.

Thus I opine - Yes, Music is the Universal Language !!! The language of the World !!! The language of God !!!

- Lakshmi Surya Teja (Sudarshini)


  1. Yes, true.
    One of the best examples of Non-verbal / background emotion is, sad violin BGM in Ilayaraja's films.. They speak lot without actually speaking anything.

    Recently, Sri Ganesh & Sri Kumaresh, the great Violin-duo contributed to, call it a Revolution, in the field of Carnatic music, by composing pieces for Instrumental music. They named it as "rAga pravAhaM". They compose only notes. No lyrics.

    Of course, it is a fact that, lyrics do help for permanency of the composition. There's no doubt about it.

    But, it is also fact, that, Music can exist without the help of Lyrics too.

    Language cannot be 100% universal because, anywhere, anytime in this world, there will be some people who would not know English.

    But, at any point of time in this world, there would not be anyone who do not relate their emotions to the music they hear. Whether it is Classical / Pop / Folk / Light / Devotional or anything.

    When a person starts relating to his emotions because of the music, music becomes a language by the fact that, it led to a successful communication i.e., the person, relating it to himself which is called, Intra-personal communication.

    I don't like to call music as universal language because, the phenomenon "language" itself can never be universal completely.

    Hence, I prefer to call it more likely as "Universal method of Communication". I think it is more just to call it that way.

    Very well done, Teja.

    Sruthi Ravali.

  2. Thank u Ravali..

    I feel we need to specify music as language in this context.. Because meaning of the language is a mode of expression.. So when we express something through music, it can be termed as language.. Music becomes one form of language.. When language is an outer circle..music comes as an inner circle...

    Also, we need to specify because, music is not only language but also termed as science.. So music is Universal and in terms of expression it's apt to say that Music is the Universal Language!!!

  3. Language might not be universal.. I agree even English is not universal... But music makes it Universal.. Music as a language is Universal... That's the power of music... :-)
